Primary 1 Enrolment
To register you should now complete an "Online" application.
For "Online" applications visit Glasgow City Council website - Schools and Learning - Enrolment.
If required Paper Applications can be requested by contacting Glasgow City Council - 0141 287 8000.
Taking account of the provision of the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1981, the Education Committee of Glasgow City Council has agreed that the head teachers of primary schools will register all children resident within the catchment area of the school, who will attain the age of five years old, on or before, the last day of February of the succeeding year, which is 2022.
Registration of children will take place in January, and parents are asked to bring with them the children’s birth and baptismal certificates. Prior notification of registration will be given a) the press: b) St Conval’s Church: c) a letter issued by the school.
Any parent/guardian of a child from outwith the catchment area may enrol a child at St. Marnock’s after completion of a “Placing Request" form. These forms are available from the child's local school, and should be sent back to the address given below.
Information concerning dates for the first enrolment is given out annually in the media, through newsletters and in the church.
Subject to restrictions, there will be opportunities for you to visit the school with your child before s/he begins school and you will be informed accordingly.
Please review our School Handbook for further information.